Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends headline


Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends




It's time to make the complex choice of urban gear simple

Everyone wants to look unique and this is especially important when we talk about urban outfits. This is just the case when the originality matters. That is why we follow all the latest fashion trends to keep you informed of any changes.

The most important trend in the modern streetstyle is brightness. Yes, that's right, you need to be bright. This is exactly the tip thanks to which you will make your look unique and interesting. I can not say that before someone could hold you back, but today it is a real riot of colors and creativity.

Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends
Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends

The more crazy and unusual your outfit is, the better. So take a seat, now we will rush through the crazy variety of shapes and styles to find the one that suits you.

Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends
Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends
Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends

Well, let's start from sneakers, of course

Sneakers today, perhaps one of the most important parts of an urban outfit. And in my opinion - the most important. They must be crazy, even more than you are. Huge sizes, with an incredible print, different acid colors, and a large sole, this is a must.

Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends
Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends

Sneakers, this is exactly the part that creates the whole outfit, sets the main mood. It is from them that you begin to pick up everything else. Therefore, the first thing you need to worry about is choosing cool sneakers. Look at the photo below for an understanding of what your new shoes should be. Well, we are moving on.

Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends

The right choice of pants is extremely important

Maybe you already noticed, today, camouflage military print is at the peak of fashion. And it's not just about the urban style. But even here there remains a place for creativity: bright rich colors, unusual combinations, complex lines, all this creates the very unique style for which you are here. Cover all the same, a broad base that tapers to the bottom, nothing should hamper your movements.

Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends
Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends

If you are a denim lover, then ripped jeans are still strong in their positions. Feel free to get your favorite couple out of the wardrobe, this season they are still relevant. But there is a little trick here. To make your old jeans look like new, paint them! Even, if you have no inspiration, ordinary stains that imitating paint sprays will do this task perfectly. Scroll down, rise higher.

Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends
Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends

Choose the perfect top

When choosing the top garment, rely only on your preferences. Everything is possible here, any type of clothing will be appropriate. A shirt, a hoodie, a jacket, a vest and even an ordinary T-shirt, if you choose something bright and unusual, this will perfectly complete your new urban outfit.

Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends
Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends

You can go even further and put on everything at once. Even in this case, your outfit will stand out perfectly against the background of everyone else. Shortly, do not restrain yourself.

Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends
Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends

Summing up, I can say that today the urban style is only getting better. And everyone, probably, should have at least one such outfit in the wardrobe. But ... it is worth to remember, it's not what's outside matters, it's what's inside.

Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends
Hitting the target following the latest urban fashion trends

I look forward to your comments with thoughts on how you see the urban outfit today.